Wednesday, October 16, 2013


About Me
Welcome to my blog. My name is Jenna Bastian and I am a junior attending University of Texas at Dallas. I am currently majoring in Arts and Technology (ATEC) and focusing on modeling and rigging for the animation industry. My hobbies include photography, drawing, longboarding, traveling, and eating. I am a very curious person and like to experiment new ideas, foods, places, and such. I am also working on a manga (a Japanese style of comic books) which is why I am creating this blog.

More about this Comic Book blog:
I spent a lot of time researching on how to be a comic artist. Creating a simple pencil and paper one at home is quite rewarding. Going professional, however, is where it becomes complicated. So far I have not found many sites that gave clear step-by-step instructions that made the process easy, so I decided to organize what sources I have found so far and put it into one nice, pretty blog.

To make this blog interesting I will:
  • interview people for some helpful tips
  • explore different styles and genres
  • discuss different ways to get work published and how to get a copyright
  • show information how to form an exciting plot/characters
  • provide helpful links for all aspects

Furthermore, my Betta fish, Hanabi Baka Sake, will be used to show examples on the steps to create your own comic book (he will be drawn as a character of course).

Hanabi Baka Sake the influential betta fish.

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