Sunday, December 1, 2013

Advice on Branding, Networking, Self-Promoting, and Motivation

Interview with Indra Balaratnam
Indra Balaratnam has a Masters in Law and is a Mitigation Investigator. She is a second cousin of mine from Britain and she recently gave me some helpful tips regarding my comic. I interviewed her for more information on small businesses, branding, blogging, etc. Below is the audio of the interview.

©2013 Jenna Bastian

Indra talks about her friend from the Caribbean who has a clothing company and how he started it. By wearing his designs over the course of several months he was able to build a hype that spread across the university, so when he started to sell his shirts, his friends were willing to buy it. Indra says “It’s all about branding and how you put label out there…and making connections, networking is the biggest thing.” It’s good to make contacts in your field and expand on that. Always be nice to people in your field: Keep your friends close and enemies closer. 

Also be persistent, do what you can to be recognized. When blogging write about current events or whatever is trending. Write about something in a unique stance and send them to influential people.  “Some people are afraid to self promote. If you don’t do it no one will know it’s there.”  When you post your content online you’re saying “you have to courage to put your own stuff out there and it says a lot about you.”

Visit Indra’s two blogs Indrani and Shoot all the Bluejays, and her Caribbean friend’s successful Bayside Clothing Company

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